perm filename CHARS.C[AM,DBL]1 blob sn#512256 filedate 1980-05-30 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	Name: LOAN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 467,164
C00009 00003	Name: GLOIN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 1,106,510
C00020 00004	Name: RABBI O'ROURKE  Owner: Doug Lenat	 Experience: 245,003
C00030 00005	Name: HOTHETU	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 708,855
C00040 ENDMK
Name: LOAN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 467,164
Class: RANGER	Level: 10		Alignment: L.G.		Race: Human

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
 17 (18.60)     14          15          18           18          12

Hits (+4):  107

Move: 240'      Attacks/meelee: 3/2    Gold carried: 300; 10,000 in jewels
Surprise: 1-3   Surprised: 1/6         Current adj. weight: 650 
Doors: 1-4   	Bars/gates: 25%        Extra weight: +1250        
Heal 1-12	Turn Undead: as Cleric 7

Spells: 2 Druid spells: Faerie fire, Speak with Animals
        1 Magic User: Magic Missle (5, 160' range)

Armor class: -12  (2 Plate/shield; +5 armor; +5 shield; +4 DEX bonus)
Sword attack bonus:  +13    (+7 for Ranger 10; +2 STR; +4 Sword)
Damage bonus:         +7    (+3 for STR bonus; +4 Sword)
                     +17    (+10 extra when attacking giant class)
Missle attack bonus: +11    (+7 for Ranger 10; +3 DEX bonus; +1 arrows)
Missle damage bonus:  +3    (+3 STR; using special bow)

Saving throws:     Poison 6  Wands 7  Stone 8  Dragon 8  Spells 10

Magic items, weapons, & armor:  [weight: 375]
	+5 weightless Plate armor
	+5 shield  with 24 symbols of stunning
	+4 L.G. Sword: EGO 7, INT 11, 
	   Speaks L.G., Reads Magic, Locates Objects, Sees Invisible
 	   Det. magic, traps.  X-Ray vision. Fly. Teleport.
	+1 arrows (12).  Very stiff bow.
	Boots of speed (240')
	Ring of mammal control (currently controlling 4 Tigers) [Gloin's]
	Ring of water walking
	Rings with continual darkness and continual light compartments
	Permanent spell of Strength (to 18.60) -- cast by MU24 [norm. 17]
	Three vials of cure minor wounds potion
	One hour of help from Superhero w/ +3 armor,shield,sword (from Deck)
	Rod of beguiling [H]]
	Gauntlets of climbing and swimming [H]]

Scrolls (Level 12 MU variety, unless otherwise noted) [600]
	Sleep, 2 Protection from Evil's, Ventriloquism, MM 6, Charm
	Web, Knock, Wizardlock, Two Invisibility's, Rope Trick
	Slow, Haste, Part Water, Prot. from Dragons, Monst. Summon IV
	Strength, Fireball 8, Fireball 13, Lightening 6, Lightening 12
	Ice Storm, Dimension Door, Phantas Forces, Cloudkill, Teleport
	Magic jar, Fly, Prot. from Lycanthropes, Prot. from Undead
	Poly Self, Wall of Fire, Confusion

Pseudomagic Items: 	[weight: 20]
	6 arrows with Magic Mouths on them, 6 similar pellets with MM's:
		Orcas call, Baylor call, Counting, Screams, Laughs, Footsteps
	Magic Mouths on all magic possessions, which cry out at theiving attempt
	Magic Mouths on back of armor, sword, sacks which warn of rear attack
	Parchment and pellets with pseudospells on them: Prismatic sphere, Wish

Equipment:	[weight: 900]
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	1 Lantern	2 skins (water/wine)
   Bandelero of:	6 Holy Water  	6 MM Pellets	2 Holly
   Quiver containing: 	3 Oil flasks	5 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing:	12 +1 arrows, 12 silver arrows, 6 MM arrows
   Quiver of 24 normal  arrows		1 Long Bow	1 Spetum
   On belt:		3 Daggars	3 Holy water
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   Large sack:		All scrolls	Materials required for those spells
   In backpack:		1 Belladonna	1 Garlic	5 Wolvesbane	
			5 Holly		4 Empty flasks	1 week's rations
   Worn:		5 Rings		Boots         
			Rod		+4 Long Sword (default weapon in hand)
   Large Sack:		Wrapped meat	1 Silver mirror	3 Cure potions

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man   >man  spc  spd rate
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---   ----  ---  --- ----
+4 long sword        	6   4   2   1   0  -1  -2  -4  -6   1d8+7 1d12+17  3  5  3/2
Spetum (disarm: AC8)   10   8   6   5   4   3   2   0  -2   1d6+4 2d6+3  1    8  3/2
Lance (Heavy horse)	5   4   4   3   2   2   1   1   0   2d4+4 3d6+3  1    8   1
Gla-Guis (can dismount) 9   8   6   5   4   3   2   1   0   2d4+3 2d6+3  1    8  3/2
Firm Long Bow w/+1 arr	7   5   4   2   0  -2  -3  -4  -5   1d6+3 1d6+3  7/14/21  2
Firm Shrt Bow w/+1 arr 11   9   5   3   2   0  -2  -3  -4   1d6+3 1d6+3  5/10/15  2

Superfluous items:
	+4 plate armor
	+3 Sword of Cold C.G. det traps, gems, xRay.
	Ring of X-Ray vision (80%)
Name: GLOIN	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 1,106,510
Class: MAGE  	Level: 12		Alignment: N.G.		Race: Dwarf

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   15           17           8          16           16          13

Hits (+2):  58

Gold banked: 164,888   		       Gold carried: 300; 10,000 in jewels
Doors: 1-2   			       Bars/gates: 7%         
Current adjusted weight: 700	       Extra weight: +200 

Spells known: [75%; 8-14]
	1st: charm 120', det magic 10x60 24r, enlarge 60' 12t triple size
	     feather fall 120' 12s, f familiar, friends 12r 130' radius,
	     hold portal 240' 12r, identify 75% 12tries, magic missle 6 180',
	     protection from evil 24r, read magic 24r, shield 60r, ventril 14r
	     shocking grasp 1d8+12, sleep 150' 60r, comp. langs. 60r, write
	2nd: det. invis 10'x120' 60r, ESP 60' 12r, Forget 30' 20'x20' 5min,
	     invis, knock, levitate 240' 12t 12000gp 20'/r, mir image 1d4+12 24r
	     m mouth, rope trk 24t, stink cloud 20x20x20 30' 12r, strength 77t,
	     web 60' 24t 40x20x10, wizard lock 360 sq. ft., loc obj 240' 12r
	3rd: Blink 12r, dispel magic 130' 30'cube, feign death 18r, 
	     Fireball 220' 20'radius sphere (33k cu ft) 12d6, Fly 1d6+12t,
	     Haste 60' 40x40' 12creat 15r, Invis 10'rad, 
	     Lightening 160' 10x40 or 5x80 12d6, phantas force 200' 2000sq ft,
	     prot evil 10'rad 24r, prot missles 12t, slow 210' 15r 40x40 12crea,
	     suggest 30' 78t, water breathing 36t, Tongues 12r
	4th: charm monst, confusion 120' 14r 60x60, dig 30' 12 5' cubes,
	     dim door ā‰¤360', fumble 120' 12r, halluc terrain 240' 1200sq ft perm,
	     ice strom 120' 40'diam 3d10 or 80' diam slippery, 
	     minor globe 12r 10' diam, monst II 40' 1-6 1-4r delay 15r duration,
	     poly other 60', poly self 24t, fire shield 14r,
	     wall of fire 2d6+12 damage 60' 40' radius ring  12r or concen
	     wall of ice 120' 12t 12"thick 1200sq ft 24damage(12cold,36fire)
	5th: Animal growth 8creat 20x20 60', Bigby interposing hand 120' 12r,
	     cloudkill 10' 40x20x20 12r, conj elemental 60' 12t 16d8, feebmd 120'
	     hold monster 60' 12r 1-4creat, Leomund chest 12cu ft, magic jar 120'
	     monst III 1-4 1-4r 16r dur, passwall 30' 18t 5wide x 8high x 10deep,
	     TK 120' 14r 3000gp 10240'/r after 10r, teleport 4000gp,
	     wall of force 22r 30' 240sq ft, wall of stone 60' 3'x240sq.ft.
	6th: AntiMagic shell 12t 12' diam sphere, Death 120' 300sq.ft.,
	     Stone to Flesh, Invis. Stalker, Globe of Invulnerability,
	     Geas, Disintegrate, Project Image, Monser Summoning 4,
	     Repulsion, Spiritwrack, Tensor's transformation, Enchant item

Armor class: -3   (Bracers of def. AC2; +3 cloak of protection; +2 DEX bonus)
Daggar attack bonus:  +7    (+5 for MU 12; +2 Daggar)
Missle attack bonus:  +6    (+5 for MU 12; +1 DEX bonus)
n.b.: Dwarf MU by "divine" dispensation; unlimited potential advancement.
+1 attack against orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, half-orcs
-4 attack by ogres, trolls, giants, titans
Det. slope/new construc 75%     Det. shift walls 67%    Traps, pits, depth 50%

Saving throws:     Poison 3  Wands 4  Stone 3  Dragon 6 Spells 3 [Const bonus: 4]

Magic items, weapons, & armor:  [weight: 380]
	Bracers of defense AC2
	+3 Cloak of protection
	+2 Daggar 
	Boots of speed (240') [[L]]
	Helm of Teleportation (charged with one teleport spell)
	Ring of mammal control (currently controlling 4 tigers)
	Ring of water walking [[L]]
	Rings with continual darkness and continual light compartments
	Four vials of cure minor wounds potion
	Rod of beguiling (20' 4-16t) [[H]]
	Mirror of life trapping (empty)
	Mirror of life trapping (empty) [[wizard-locked at home]]
	Leomund chest (minature one carried)
	Cold Wand (10 shots left)
	Wizard's robes (neutral grey; charm+ 90%)
	Homonculus (qv) HOMON (AC 6, 18 hits, bite: sleep 5-30min 1-3 dam,
		walk 60, fly 180, ā‰¤480' from Gloin, telepathic link, 18" tall,
		invisible; carries sack, rope, 2 holy w, 3 poison daggars & darts.
		Carries a Leo. chest with poison, Teleport scroll, Invis scroll.

Scrolls (Level 12 MU type, unless otherwise noted) [* = in Leo. chest] [wt: 400]
	2 Sleeps**, 4 Protection from Evil's***, 4 MM 6's**, Charm*,
	Web*, 2 Knock*, 2 Wizardlock*, 3 Invisibility's**, Rope Trick,
	Slow, Haste, Monst. Summon IV, Strength*, Fireball 5*,
	Lightening 12*, Ice Storm*, Dimension Door, Phantas Forces*,
	Cloudkill, Teleport, 2 Magic jar's*, Fly*, Prot. from Lycan.,
	Prot. from Undead, Passwall, Hold Portal, Globe of Invul, Death,
	3 Project Image, Invis Stalker, 3 Stone to Flesh**, SpiritWrack, 
	2 Repulsion, Prismatic Sphere 24t, Monster Summoning 6, Tensor transform,
	Ot. freezing sphere, Water breathing, Prot. from missiles, Dancing lts.,
	Aud. glamer, Det Invis, Shield, 2 Unseen servant, Ventril, Fireball 12

Pseudomagic Items: 	[weight: 20]
	6 daggars with Magic Mouths on them, 6 similar pellets with MM's:
		Orcas call, Baylor call, Counting, Screams, Laughs, Footsteps
	Magic Mouths on all magic possessions, which cry out at theiving attempt
	Magic Mouths on back of armor, magic daggar, sacks which warn of rear attack
	Parchment and pellets with pseudospells on them: Maze, Wish
	Leomund's tiny chest is invisible, as well as being MM'ed aginst loss/theft

Equipment:	[weight: 500]
   Carried (slung):     1 50' ropes	2 skins (water/wine) 1 6' rope
   Bandeleros of:	3 Holy Water  	6 MM Pellets	3 Silv. Daggars/6 Darts
   Quiver containing: 	2 Oil flasks	2 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   On belt:		Leo's chest	1 Cure potion	1 pouch of material compon.
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   Large sack:		All scrolls not in Leo. chest
   In backpack:		1 Empty flask	1 silver mirror
   Worn:		Helm       	4 Rings		Boots         
   In Leo chest:	Scrolls (qv)	1 wk's rations 	1 lb. Elf meat
			7 holy water	3 torches	3 oil
			3 cure potions	1 50' rope	2 skins (water/wine)
			10 daggars	Poisoned meat	25 darts

Spells taken in:
	1st (4): Enlarge, Feather Fall, Friends, Identify
	2nd (4): Mirr. image, stinking cloud, Strength, st. cloud
	3rd (4): Slow, Fireball, Lightening bolt, Haste
	4th (4): Dim. Door, Wall of ice, Polymorph self, Wall of fire
	5th (4): Animal growth, Cloudkill, Hold Monster, Magic Jar
	6th (1): Project Image

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man   >man  spc  spd rate
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---   ----  ---  --- ----
Daggar (magic +2)      13  12  10   9   6   5   3   2  -1   1d4   1d3    1    2   1
Daggar (+0; thrown)    16  14  12  10   8   7   5   4   2   1d4   1d3    1/2/3    2
Dart (thrown)          16  14  12  10   8   6   4   4   2   1d3   1d2   1.5/3/4.5 3
Name: RABBI O'ROURKE  Owner: Doug Lenat	 Experience: 245,003
Class: CLERIC	Level: 9 		Alignment: L.G.		Race: Human

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   12           13          18          16           16          11

Hits (+2):  63

Gold banked: 158,170   	 	       Gold carried: 200; 10,000 in jewels
Doors: 1-2   			       Bars/gates: 4%         
Current adjusted weight: 700	       Extra weight: +100 

Armor class: -6   (2 Plate/sh; +4 armor; +2 shield; +2 DEX bonus)
Mace attack bonus:    +7    (+5 for Cleric 9; +2 Mace)
Mace damage bonus:    +2
Missle attack bonus:  +6    (+5 for Cleric 9; +1 DEX bonus)

Saving throws:     Poison 6  Wands 7  Stone 9  Dragon 11 Spells 9

Magic items, weapons, & armor:  [weight: 380]
	+2 Plate armor
	+2 shield
	+2 Mace  of disruption
	Boots of speed (240') [[L]]
	Ring of mammal control (currently controlling 4 Tigers) [[G]]
	Ring of water walking [[Loan's]]
	Rings with continual darkness and continual light compartments
  	Laser (does 1d12 damage, passes through armor -- all AC = AC10;
		magic and dex mods DO count to lower AC; 1 shot / 2 rnds)
 	Ring of holy light (can paralyze any undead 6+1d6 rounds (no saving),
		but ring heats up 1 degree for each level paralyzed, and
		cools only 1 degree per hour;  at 120+n degr. there is n% 
		chance that the finger will be lost, in which case Dex drops 1)
  	One vial of cure serous wounds potion
  	One vial of oil of etherealness
	Staff of commanding (90 charges left)
	Goat figurines: fighting, fleeing, slaying
	One wish (from DECK of many things)
	One hour of help from Superhero w/ +3sword,shield,armor (from DECK)

	Create water, Protection from Evil, Word of Recall, Chant, Spk. w/Dead
	Resist fire, Resist cold, Fear, Neu. Poision, Insect Plague

Pseudomagic Items: 	
	7 pellets with Magic Mouths on them:
		Orcas call, Singing, Counting, Screams, Laughs, Footsteps, Breathing
	Magic Mouths on all magic possessions, which cry out at theiving attempt
	Magic Mouths on back of armor, magic mace, sacks which warn of rear attack
	Parchment and pellets with pseudospells on them: Wish, Blade Barrier

Equipment:	[weight: 500]
   Carried (slung):     1 50' ropes	2 skins (water/wine)
   Bandeleros of:	9 Holy Water  	7 MM Pellets	3 Hammers
   Quiver containing: 	3 Oil flasks	3 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
   Quiver containing: 	2 bunches of sticks		1 flute
   On belt:		Herbs           Figurines  	CL/CD hammers (in sacks)
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
			Recall scroll (on silver chain)
   In backpack:		1 Empty flask	1 silver mirror 3 scrolls
			1 wks rations	7 holy water	1 spare mace
			1 Cure ser. potion		1 oil of etherealness
   Worn:		Staff      	4 Rings		Boots         Mace

Spells taken in:
	1st (6): Cure, Cure, P. Evil 27r, Fear 9r, Fear 9r, Fear 9r
	2nd (6): Chant, Augury, H. Prson 13r, Resist Fire 9t, Silence, Spk. Animals
	3rd (4): (cure) Disease, Dispel Magic, Prayer, (remove) Curse
	4th (3): Neut. poison, Pr Evil 10' rad 9t, Sticks to Snakes 9 45%venom 18r
	5th (1): Insect Plague 360' rad, 60' high, 9t

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man   >man  spc  spd rate
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---   ----  ---  --- ----
Mace (f'mns +2/+2)      9   8   8   7   6   5   4   2   3   1d6+3 1d6+2  4    7   1
Flail (f'mns)          10   9   9   7   7   6   5   4   5   1d6+1 2d4    6    7   1
Staff                  19  16  13  10   8   7   5   4   3   1d6   1d6    3    4   1
Hammer (wielded)       12  10  10   8   8   7   6   5   4   1d4+1 1d4    2    4   1
Hammer (thrown)        13  11   9   8   7   6   5   4   2   1d4+1 1d4    1/2/3    1
Name: HOTHETU	Owner: Doug Lenat	Experience: 708,855
Class: THIEF 	Level: 13		Alignment: Neu 		Race: Hobbit

Strength   Intelligence   Wisdom   Constitution   Dexterity   Charisma
   12           12           7          16           18          11

Hits (+2):  67

Doors: 1-2      Gold banked: 247,039   Gold carried: 10; 5,000 in jewels
Weight: 1500

Armor class: -4   (Bracers AC2; +2 cloak of protection; +4 DEX bonus)
Sword attack bonus:   +10   (+8 for Thief 13; +2 Sword)
Sword damage bonus:    +2   (+2/+2 Sword)
Missle attack bonus:  +11   (+8 for Thief 11; +3 DEX bonus)

Striking from behind: Quintuple damage
	with surprise: extra +4 on attack

Saving throws:     Poison 3  Wands 4  Stone 3  Dragon 6 Spells 2 [Const bonus: 4]

	Det. slope construc 75%     
	Determine direc.    50%
	Read scrolls	    75%
	Pickpocket	   120%  (caught: 141%)
	Open locks	   102%
	Loc/rem Traps	    90%
	Move silently	   119%
	Hide in shadows	   110%
	Hear noise	    45%
	Climb walls	    91%
	Read languages	    65%

Magic items, weapons, & armor:  [weight: 400]
	Bracers of Defense AC2
	+2 Cloak of protection
	+2 Cloak of protection (generally not additive, hence just at home)
	+2/+2 Neu. Sword, 10 intell., 4 ego, speak, locate secret doors,
		see invis, detect metal & kind, read magic
	Boots of speed (240')
	Ring of mammal control (currently controlling 4 Tigers) [[G]]
	Ring of water walking [[L]]
	Rod of beguiling (20' 4-16t)
	Rings with continual darkness and continual light compartments
	Gauntlets of climbing and swimming
	Three vials of cure minor wounds potion
	Goat figurines: fleeing, fighting, slaying (from DECK)
	Bronze Horn of Valhallah
	Wish (from DECK)
	Invisibility potion
	Oil of etherealness

Scrolls (Level 12 MU variety) [wt: 90]
	Protection from Evil, Teleport, Dispel Magic, Dim. Door, Lightening,
	Fear, Confusion, Haste, Slow, Invis. 10' rad, Invis, Fly, Poly Self,
	Poly Self, Stinking Cloud, Identify, Magic jar, Wall of Fire, Charm monst

Pseudomagic Items: 	[weight: 25]
	6 daggars and 12 pellets with Magic Mouths upon them:
		Arguing, Footsteps, Count backwards, Laugh, Breathing, Whirring
		Cheers, Booing, Jabberwocky, Roaring fire, Growling animal, Hum
	Magic Mouths on all magic possessions, which cry out at theiving attempt
	Magic Mouths on back of armor, magic sword, sacks which warn of rear attack
	Parchment and pellets with pseudospells on them: Call lightening, Death

Equipment:	[weight: 1000]
   Carried (slung):     2 50' ropes	2 skins (water/wine)  Horn
   Bandeleros of:	6 Holy Water  	6 MM Pellets	12 Daggars & Darts
   Quiver containing:	5 +2 arrows	7 +1 arrows	24 normal arrows
   Quiver containing: 	3 Oil flasks	3 Torches	1 Tinderbox/flint
			1 sack of flour	1 sack of dust	1 sack of baking soda
   On belt:		2 Cure potions	Thief's tools	3 Figurines
  			Pouch of herbs (belladonna, garlic, wolvesbane, curry,
			pepper, salt, sugar, honey, tobacco, sulphur, arsenic)
			1 silver daggar	1 invis potion	1 oil etherealness
   Worn around neck: 	1 Silver Cross 	1 Anti-garrot metal band under collar
   In backpack:		1 Empty flask	1 silver mirror 12 Poison daggars
      			1 pouch of material compon. & 3 scrolls
			1 Cure potion	1 wks rations	1 lb Orc meat
 			5 Holy water	9 poison arrows	9 posion darts
			12 daggars	24 darts	contin. lt. daggar
   Worn:		Rod       	4 Rings		Boots         Gauntlets
			1 cloak (unless additivity of cloaks is allowed)

Proficiency Weapons:	2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10   man   >man  spc  spd rate
----------- -------    --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --   ---   ----  ---  --- ----
L. Sword (magic +2/+2)  9   7   5   4   3   3   1  -1  -3   1d8+2 1d12+2 3    5   1
Daggar                 12  11   9   8   5   4   2   1  -2   1d4   1d3    1    2   1
Daggar (thrown)        11   9   7   5   3   2   0  -1  -3   1d4   1d3    1/2/3    2
Dart (thrown)          11   9   7   5   3   1  -1  -1  -3   1d3   1d2   1.5/3/4.5 3
S. Bow 		       11   9   5   3   2   0  -2  -3  -4   1d6   1d6    5/10/15  2